
Under the Water Act of 2016, Kibwezi-Makindu Water and Sanitation Company was established as a licensed Water Service Provider responsible for the provision of water services, and the development of country assets for water service provision within Kibwezi, Makindu and Mtito-Andei

water connection

Kibwezi-Makindu Water and Sanitation Company provides a high-quality water connection giving you and your family access to safe water and the services of a professional water service provider


water bowser

Kibwezi-Makindu Water and Sanitation Company  operates two water bowsers used for supplying clean water to customers within Kibwezi, Makindu and Mtito-Andei upon request and payment of the requisite service charge. The water bowser provides mobile water supply solution for sites that do not have the water network or are undeserved.

sanitation services

We have a Decentralized Treatment Facility (DTF) in Kibwezi which receives sludge from exhauster tankers. The sludge is processed using natural bacteria until it’s safe for disposal into the environment.